
Working Families Against Bloomy's Power Grab

Interesting that it's the small and scrappy Working Families Party (WFP), and not the majority Democratic Party controlling the City Council, taking on Republican Bloomberg and his Wall Street allies in their naked quest to extend the billionaire's reign. Actually, Bloomy flipped City Council Speaker Christine Quinn into ignoring the voters after a "private" chat.

A plan that was hatched...billionaires and business moguls. NYTimes

Never has the city been so nakedly for sale. Newsday
Watch the latest WFP volley in this modern version of David vs Goliath.

Q: How is it that the very people that have worked with Bush/Cheney/McCain to ravage the nation's economy, devastate working families, and squandered lives and treasure on the Iraq War, now get to buy protection? Isn't that what this whole grab for power gambit really about? And who cares if wealth trumps the public good, right?

For more information: http://www.itsourdecision.org/

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