"... Papo Vázquez and his Pirate Troubadours go back to Afro-Rican roots ... to taking it to the year 2050, with the most ... forward-looking harmonies .... Pirate Troubadours is ... moving toward a new sound, a new sonority ...." (Introduction by DJ Felipito Palacio at 5/6/06 Papo Vázquez Pirate Troubadours concert at the Boulton Centre.)
There's plenty more where that came from, as a computer search and Papo's own web site (http://www.papovazquez.com/) will confirm. But what does that matter, when you have an opportunity to hear for yourself the incredible excitement generated by Papo and his world-class sidekicks ... this time with a band double the size of the usual Pirate Troubadours retinue!
Papo shares his musical genuis in a concert Saturday, September 20, 8 PM, at Flushing Town Hall, located at 137-35 Northern Boulevard. Tickets are obtainable via phone (718-463-7700 x222) and web site (http://www.flushingtownhall.org/).
Hope to see you there ... let's show Papo that we appreciate and support great artistry.
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